04 Jul Lamia Chraibi
Lamia Chraibi is a member of Main Film’s Board and as such serves on our organization’s Equity Diversity Inclusion Committee.
Of Franco-Moroccan origin, Lamia learned at a very young age to rub shoulders with heterogeneous cultural universes. A graduate in Political Science (Sorbonne, Paris) and in Documentary Production (INIS, Montreal), she travels the world to encounter diverse stories. Lamia’s cinema is based on time and the trust established with the protagonists. She is particularly interested in the themes of social justice, identity, family and territory. She also deals with subjects related to body language and social art. With a sensitive and committed approach, his camera allows him to give a voice to forgotten social actors from here and elsewhere.
- Malja, short documentary film, in production
- Circo, documentary film, in production
- Statu Quo, short experimental film, 2021, (Regard, RVCQ),
- Voix d’Amazonie, mid-lenght documentary film, 2015, (FIFEQ, FIFDH)
Main Film is an artist-run center committed to supporting its community as a whole, without distinction, in the creation of independent film.
Our strength is in our members. They are our very essence.
Beyond general statements of solidarity against racism following the events of the summer of 2020, but also against more recent and historically ongoing acts of racism, it seemed essential to offer a place so our members can express their feelings towards the discrimination they experience regarding their skin color, their origins, their sexual orientation, their gender, and for them to share their reflections about the societal issues that exists in any form of rejection of the Other.
Each month, Main Film will provide a platform for its members to share their thoughts on the discrimination they face.
Our fifteenth contributing artist is Lamia Chraibi.
#MainArtist #ArtisteImportant
Because it is artists who carry both the role of representing society and making it evolve.