20 Jun Broadcasting and distribution strategies

Broadcasting and distribution strategies
Workshop - Exploratory Cinema - Spring 2024
Thursday June 20, 2024
6 pm - 9 pm
Main Film
2025 Rue Parthenais #301, Montréal, Quebec, H2K 3T2, Québec
With Serge Abiaad (La Distributrice de Films)
Member $50 | Non-member $80
Discover the distribution strategy of experimental cinema. From self-distribution to festivals, markets, galleries, distributors and the web, the instructor will review the different stages of marketing, the essential promotional tools, the key players and the potential distribution venues, so that you will be able to implement a relevant methodology.
For any information, send an email to: services@mainfilm.qc.ca
Serge Abiaad
Serge Abiaad has taught film at the Université de Montréal and at Cégep Édouard-Montpetit. He is the executive director of La Distributrice de Films.
“La Distributrice de films considers that short films are not an exercise in emancipation or a springboard to feature films; they are neither a ceremonial hazing nor the stamp of a pass, because making a short film is already making cinema. La Distributrice de films is therefore committed, through the web, the big screen and the festival circuit, to participate in the promotion of Quebec cinema and filmmakers through a shorter format. ” www.ladistributrice.ca