08 Nov Documentary (Web)Series

Documentary (Web)Series
Workshop - Documentary Cinema - Fall 2023
Wednesday November 8, 2023
6 pm - 9 pm
Main Film
2025 Rue Parthenais #301, Montréal, Quebec, H2K 3T2, Québec
With Jean Roy (Eurêka ! Productions)
Members 60$ | Non-members 90$
Documentary series and webseries are increasingly popular genres. At the crossroads of different narrative formats, how are they created?
In this workshop, you’ll learn the differences between linear and fragmented writing, and the various styles and structures of (web)series. The instructor will also cover the basics of their realization and production processes. The course will be based on the extensive directing and producing experience of Jean Roy, co-founder of Eurêka! Productions.
The workshop will be given in French but questions may be asked in English.
Jean Roy
After studying film, Jean Roy worked for a decade as an editor, before founding Eurêka! Productions where, since 1999, he has produced, scripted and directed documentaries of all types and scales. He is particularly fond of cultural and historical projects, or those that offer a particular view of the world, having contributed to such productions as: “Du côté des hommes”, “Une lueur au bout du tunnel”, “Vivre tous ensemble”, “50 ans d’avancées des femmes, de la Commission Bird à #Metoo”, “From Montréal” – Best Documentary Culture, Gémeaux 2013 – “Le Sexe autour du monde” – Grand Prix multimédia des télévisions francophones 2012, “L’art de la chasse”, “Un rêve américain”, “Des écoles pas comme les autres”, “Marchés sur terre” or “Cinéma Québécois”. Jean Roy is a member of the Société des auteurs de radio, télévision et cinéma (SARTEC), the Association des réalisateurs et réalisatrices du Québec (ARRQ) and Doc Québec. He is also a member of the Société civile des auteurs multimédia, Paris (SCAM) and winner of 4 Prix Gémeaux.