24 Sep Information session: CALQ & SODEC

Information session: CALQ & SODEC
Information session - Documentary Cinema - Fall 2024
Tuesday September 24, 2024
6 pm - 8 pm
Main Film
2025 Rue Parthenais #301, Montréal, Quebec, H2K 3T2, Québec
With Maude Brunet (CALQ) & Alain Rondeau (SODEC)
Free with registration
Meet the program managers of the main documentary film support organizations: SODEC and CALQ. Their grant programs will be presented in detail, followed by a question-and-answer period after the presentation. As a result, you’ll be better equipped to understand the expectations of funding institutions, and increase your chances of having your project supported!
To make the most of this event, we suggest you consult the programs in advance:
SODEC programs for documentaries (in French)
SODEC Emerging Creation program
The Emerging Creation program is open to all Quebec audiovisual production companies developing projects with emerging creators;
supports short and feature-length fiction films, as well as short, medium and feature-length documentaries. They are generally submitted at the development stage, to benefit from the professional support, mentoring, networking and consulting measures put in place for emerging creators.
SODEC Production Assistance program
Under this program, SODEC supports :
- feature-length fiction film projects (part 1);
- short fiction and documentary projects (part 2);
- short-format narrative digital projects (part 2), i.e. audiovisual works of fiction or documentary that develop a narrative proposition, linear or non-linear, interactive or immersive, intended for visual technologies (virtual, augmented or mixed reality) enabling user participation;
- medium- and feature-length documentary projects – single works (section 3).
CALQ programs (in French)
Explainer videos:
– Capsule 1 : Program presentation
– Capsule 2 : Tips & tricks
– Capsule 3 : The jury
– Capsule 4 : Mon dossier CALQ
For further information, please send an e-mail to : services@mainfilm.qc.ca
Our documentary cycle continues this fall! Visit the Workshops page to see the full schedule.