20 Aug Sabiha Merabet
Sabiha is a visual artist with a background in photography and graduated in 2018 from Marsan College. She is also self-taught in painting since 2017. Sabiha explores and lets her inspiration wander according to her emotions and the subjects that animates her. In 2019, she presented her first culinary photo exhibition L’Essence des Sens at La Loge Espace Photo in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu. In this exhibit food becomes a refined material and its plastic nature is revealed. These photos creates a reflection on the place that food takes in our daily lives. Painting entered suddenly in her young career as an artist, like her work who is often in a rush with bubbling and euphoric sensations.
Since July 23rd, 2020, Sabiha presents her first physical exhibition of 4 canvases at La Loge – Espace Photo in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, until August 23rd, 2020 under the theme “the essential”.
Being a member of Gallea, three of her works have been selected for online exhibitions from June to September 2020.
- Online exhibit with Gallea (4 weeks) – Art géométrique.
- Online exhibit with Gallea (6 weeks) Le renouveau – (Fundraising).
- Online exhibit with Gallea – current until September 1st, 2020 (In) Justice.
She is also interested in cinema through her photographic practice and has been a still photographer for the shoots of:
- Leashed, short fiction, directed and produced by Sali Yang, 2020.
- WTM, short fiction, directed by DangVy, 2020.
- Flesh and Blood, short fiction, directed by Lorna Kidjo, 2020.
Main Film is an artist center in independent cinematographic creation committed to support its community as whole, without any distinction.
Our strength is in our members. They are our essence.
Following the recent events, it seemed essential to offer a place so our members can express their feelings towards the discrimination they experience regarding their skin color, their origins, their sexual orientation, their gender, and share their reflections through this societal drama that takes place in all forms of rejection of one another.
Every month, Main Film will give place to its members that face discrimination so they can share with you their reflexions and thoughts.
Our fifth artist to contribute is Sabiha Merabet.
#MainArtist #ArtistImportant
Because it’s the artists who carry both the role of representing society and making it evolve.
Sabiha wanted to share the 31 photos she took during the March Against Racism held in Montreal on June 7, 2020.
❝ Today, we were all concerned by this cause. Because it is easy to put a black square on social media and tell yourself that you have done your part. But we need a deeper reflection and it is with concrete actions that we will ALL get there. Thank you to everyone there for doing your part and for respecting the sanitary instructions. ❞