Distribution Strategies | In person

Distribution Strategies | In person



Distribution Strategies | In person

Workshop - Documentary Cinema - Fall 2022

Monday November 28, 2022
6 pm - 9 pm

Main Film
2025 Rue Parthenais #304-A, Montréal, Quebec, H2K 3T2, Québec

Instructors | Clotilde Vatrinet and Sylvain Lavigne (Les Films du 3 Mars)

Members 40$ | Non-members 60$

An essential workshop to understand the complexities of film distribution: self-distribution, festivals, markets, galleries, distributors and online distribution will be covered. The instructors will review the different stages of market distribution, the essential promotional tools, the key players and the potential distribution venues, so that you will be able to put in place a coherent methodology.

The workshop will be given in French but questions may be asked in English.

For more information, please send an email to: services@mainfilm.qc.ca

Health measures related to COVID-19:

  • Wearing a mask is at the discretion of the participants. However, Main Film recommends that you wear it at least when you go inside.
  • Participants will be required to disinfect themselves upon entering the center and before touching the equipment. A hydroalcoholic solution will be provided.
  • Participants will be asked to limit their movements.
  • Participants may use the washrooms.

Clotilde Vatrinet (F3M)
In 2008, Clotilde Vatrinet obtained her Diploma d’Études Supérieures Spécialisées (DESS) in Cinema and she left her beautiful region of Lorraine (France) to work on film shoots as a script. Very quickly, her great aspirations took her to Montreal where she settled in 2009. She then joined the KINO movement and became a volunteer while continuing to work as a script and serve coffees. In 2010, she discovered distribution by joining the Films du 3 Mars team, an organization that works to defend Quebec/Canadian auteur cinema. In 2014, she joined the Board of Directors of Ciné Tapis Rouge, an NPO specialized in cinematic exchanges between Quebec and abroad. When she’s not working, she enjoys swing dancing, reading graphic novels and raising awareness for the animal cause.

Sylvain Lavigne (F3M)
The world premiere of his first short film, Maudit, took place at the Oslo International Film Festival. What followed was festivals, awards, champagne and showbiz! After graduating from Ryerson University in Toronto, he founded the production company Provocateur Films, produced music videos and worked as a director/coordinator on VOLT. Loads of nominations and awards later, Sylvain the filmmaker feeds himself by creating 14 short films while Sylvain the director earns his living on TV. Today, Sylvain is preparing his first feature film and distributes independent auteur and documentary films at Les Films du 3 Mars.


- Online (Eventbrite)

- By phone
514 845 7442 (VISA / Paypal on request)

- At the office
Monday - Thursday 10am-5pm (Interac - VISA - Cash)

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