Sami Zenderoudi is the recipient of the (Tri)Cycle support program!

Main film would like to congratulate Sami Zenderoudi and his project Birdsong, the first recipient of the Tricycle grant for the year 2021/2022. Congratulations Sami and many thanks to our jury. 

After encountering a merchant of the same Iranian heritage, Leila, a young musician, finds her sense of self challenged. Meanwhile, in a pocket of undeveloped land, migratory birds live normal lives, unaware of threats to their oasis.

Sami Zenderoudi

Sami Zenderoudi is a Montreal-based independent filmmaker. He holds a Masters degree in Media Studies from Concordia University and a Bachelor of Environmental Studies degree from York University. His research-creation thesis studies representations of nature in contemporary art cinema, using the framework of environmental phenomenology. During this time, he made two short fiction films, Gaea (2018) and Absence (2019), which explore ecological anxiety amongst young adults and their relationships with landscapes they inhabit. In his artistic practice, Sami experiments with different ways of representing the natural world onscreen.